(required): A JSON-encoded array of strings to search for.
The API returns a JSON object containing the search results.
[ { "Title":"About Us", "Category":"page", "Date posted":"2020-08-17", "Content URL":"#", "Content":"Introduction#### Building Farmer Resilience Across AfricaACRE Africa empowers farmers across Africa to thrive in the face of climatechallenges." }, { "Title":"Tanzania", "Category":"page", "Date posted":"2024-03-08", "Content URL":"", "Content":"### IntroductionACRE Tanzania Insurance Agency Limited (ACRE Tanzania) is a registered agentfocusing on the development and distribution of agricultural micro-insuranceproducts for the benefit of a growing number of smallholder farmers. " } ]
import requests
import json
def search_main_web(keywords : list):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"keywords": json.dumps(keywords)}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = search_main_web(["team Members"])
The API returns a JSON object containing the search results.
[ { "course_id":30, "course_short_name":"Test Course", "course_full_name":"Test Course", "course_display_name":"Test Course" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course" } ]
import requests
import json
def get_course_list():
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = get_course_list()
course_id (int)
(required): An id of a course.
The API returns a JSON object containing the search results.
[ { "course_id":29, "section_id":109, "section_name":"Introduction", "section_summary":"" }, { "course_id":29, "section_id":111, "section_name":"Module 1", "section_summary":"**Understand the Basics of Agri-Insurance and How It Works.**" } ]
import requests
import json
def get_course_sections(course_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"course_id": course_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = get_course_sections(29)
section_id (int)
(required): An id of a section.
[ { "course_id":29, "section_id":111, "topic_id":357, "topic_name":"What is Agriculture Insurance?", "topic_description":"" } ]
import requests
import json
def get_section_topics(section_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"section_id": section_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = get_section_topics(111)
topic_id (int)
(required): An id of a topic.
[ { "course_id":29, "section_id":111, "topic_id":357, "subtopics":[ "## Key Terms in Insurance:", "#### Key Points:", "#### Our Product:Soil Moisture Index (SMI)" ] } ]
import requests
import json
def get_sub_topics(topic_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"topic_id": topic_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = get_sub_topics(357)
(required): A JSON-encoded array of strings to search for.[ { "course_id":20, "course_short_name":"TVCC", "course_full_name":"The Village Champion Curriculum", "course_display_name":"The Village Champion Curriculum", "section_details":{ "section_id":43, "section_title":"Who is a Village Champion?", "section_summary":"Learn about the Village Champion and identify the key qualities associatedwith this role." }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":303, "topic_name":"Definition & Qualities", "topic_description":"Discover the role of village champions. Learn who they are, what makes agreatone, and how they positively impact their communities." }, "page_content":"##### DefinitionA village champion is an individual or aggregator who hasadvance knowledge ofa farmer formation, understands the economical setup offarmers in their localcommunities. And lives amongst the farmers##### Theresponsibilities of a village champion 1. Due Diligence:.Collection of data tosupport in design of products and risk monitoring 2. Promote product uptake:Sell agriculture insurance covers and other services to the 3. Training offarmers on good agronomic practices: Ensure farmers adhere to GAPs to improveagricultural practices and minimize losses and increase productivity 4. RiskMonitoring: Support in risk assessment during the cropping season to betteradvise the farmers on necessary measures to manage the risks and form basesfor loss quantification ##### Benefits of being a Village Champion 1.Financial reward: Creates a revenue stream through commissions from sales ofinsurance and other services and earn incentives attached to the products andservices 2. Impacting livelihood: Insured farmers if compensated are able toreengage and diversify in their agricultural activities 3. Professionalgrowth: Access to training and certification on agriculture insurance 4.Networking Opportunities: You are exposed to building relationships withfarmers, agricultural organizations, and insurance professionals throughdistribution of", "page_url":"" } ]
import requests
import json
def search_training_data(keywords : list):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"keywords": json.dumps(keywords)}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = search_training_data(["Roles of a village champion"])
course_id (int)
(required): An id of a course to search from.keywords
(required): A JSON-encoded array of strings to search for.[ { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Sell of insurance This screen lists all the insurance products available foracre Africa. Select the type of product you want to sell e.g., selectlivestock insurance to be taken to livestock insurance products screen (page28).", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"In this module, we will learn how farmers can get insurance cover, how theypay for it, how much premium they pay and how they know they are covered usingthe DigiBima platform. #### How an Insurance Cover is PlacedTo get an insurance cover, a farmer must be registered through the DigiBimaplatform. This process involves the VC entering important information aboutthe farmer and the crops they are growing into digibima. * The farmer gives their details, including their name, location, and the type of crops they are growing. * This information is entered into DigiBima, which is the system that manages the insurance. * * * _Please watch this video to remind yourself how DigiBima works. If you forgetthe steps you can go back and read about it[**_here_**]( * * * #### How Farmers PayOnce a farmer is registered, they need to pay a small amount of money called apremium to get the insurance. Here\u2019s how they can make the payment: * The farmer uses mobile money to pay for the insurance. Once they are registered on DigiBima a farmer will receive a prompt to complete the payment process. * After making the payment, their insurance cover is active. The premium is small and helps the farmer get protected against bad weather. #### How Farmers Know They Are CoveredAfter the farmer has registered and paid, they will receive an SMS on theirphone. This message will confirm that the insurance is now active and thatthey are covered. * The SMS will have important details like the type of cover and when it starts and ends. * This SMS is proof that the farmer\u2019s crops are now protected by insurance. #### When the Contract EndsThe insurance contract is only for that farming season. Once the season endsand the crops are harvested, the insurance cover also ends. If the crops arenot affected by bad weather during that season, there is no payout, and thecontract stops automatically. #### What is Not CoveredIt\u2019s important for the farmer to know that not everything is covered by thisinsurance. Here\u2019s what is NOT covered: * **Damage from Animals:** If animals like cows or goats damage the crops, this insurance will not pay for that damage. * **Pests and Diseases:** If crops are damaged by pests (like insects) or diseases (like mold or fungus), this insurance will not cover those damages. * **Poor Farming Practices:** If the damage is due to poor farming practices, such as not following good planting methods, the insurance will not cover it. * **Non-Weather Related Issues:** Any damage that is not related to bad weather, such as accidents or theft, is not covered. * **Unregistered Crops:** Only the crops registered through DigiBima are covered. If crops are not registered or are not listed in the insurance policy, they are not covered. #### Key Points * Farmers must be registered on DigiBima to get insurance. * Farmers pay their premium using mobile money. * After payment, farmers receive an SMS confirming their insurance cover. * There are things that are not covered by this crop insurance | ---|---", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":111, "section_title":"Module 1", "section_summary":"**Understand the Basics of Agri-Insurance and How It Works.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":357, "topic_name":"What is Agriculture Insurance?", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Agriculture insurance helps farmers when they lose money due to naturaldisasters, crop failure, or other unexpected problems. It gives farmers moneyto cover losses from droughts, floods, pests, diseases, or bad weather. ## Key Terms in Insurance:Here are the key terms you need to remember. **1\\\\. Premium:** The small amount of money a farmer pays to the insurance company to getagricultural insurance protection. **2\\\\. Payout:** The money a farmer gets from the insurance company when bad weather damagestheir crops. **3\\\\. Claim:** A request to get money from the insurance company after something bad happens.In weather insurance, farmers don\u2019t need to make a claim because the payouthappens automatically. **4\\\\. Policy:** A written document that explains what the insurance covers and what the farmeris protected against. A farmer receives a link to this document via an SMS. **5\\\\. Coverage:** The specific things the insurance protects, like crops being damaged by toomuch or too little rain or pests and diseases. **6\\\\. Risk:** The chance of something bad happening, like crops being destroyed by droughtor floods. **7\\\\. Beneficiary:** The person (in this case, the farmer) who gets the payout when something badhappens. **8\\\\. Underwriter:** The insurance company that takes on the risk and pays the farmer when badweather affects their crops. **9\\\\. Intermediary:** An organization like ACRE that connects farmers to insurance companies butdoesn\u2019t take on the risk directly. **10\\\\. Deductible:** The amount a farmer has to lose or pay before the insurance company gives themmoney. **11\\\\. Sum Insured:** The total amount of money the insurance will pay out if the farmer's crops arebadly affected.#### #### Key Points: * Insurance helps farmers protect their crops. * Farmers get money when bad weather damages their crops. * The farmer does not need to ask for the money. The insurance company knows when to pay them. * * * #### Our Product: [Soil Moisture Index(SMI)]( \"Soil MoistureIndex \\\\(SMI\\\\)\")The **[Soil Moisture Index (SMI)]( \"Soil Moisture Index \\\\(SMI\\\\)\")** is a key component of our insurance product. It measures the amount of moisture present in the soil. For additional details about the SMI product, please download the document using this [**_link_**]( | ---|---", "page_url":"" } ]
import requests
import json
def search_from_course(keywords : list, course_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"keywords": json.dumps(keywords), "course_id" : course_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = search_from_course(["What is agri insurance"], 29)
section_id (int)
(required): An id of a section to search from.keywords
(required): A JSON-encoded array of strings to search for.[ { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"\u2022Platform Users ACRE Africa Reinsurer Cedant Brokers Agents BranchesAggregators Insureds ACRE Africa Provides the platform to the Reinsurer ordirectly to the Insurer and sets up pre-approved products. ACRE Africa earnsfees as per agreed payment structure. The Reinsurer deploys the system withselected cedants. ACRE provides technical support to sign up the cedants. Thesystem enables the Reinsurer view all transactions carried out by the cedantsend to end. Cedants provides user rights to their respective channels ofdistribution. ACRE provides technical support and help desk services to theCedants Onboard customers for insurance. The system enables them to provideinstant insurance terms to the insureds as well as other policy administrationservices efficiently. The Insureds receive quality and efficient services suchas timely issuance of policy documents, timely processing of claims andcontract review reports.", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Process flow Product design and approval The ultimate objective of thisfeature is to shorten and create visibility of the process making the productapproval by the Reinsures more efficient. This is done before the seasonstarts. The module is only accessible by the following parties; a. Calculatingagent \u2013 Designs suitable insurance products b. Insurer and \u2013 Reviews theproduct c. Reinsurer \u2013 Approves the product The process entail; Setting up thefollowing parameters onto the platform; a. Type of crop and variety b.Location \u2013 Country and other administrative boundaries c. Pricing dataselection \u2713Weather data \u2013 Weather station data or satellite data \u2713Yield data \u2013Yield based insurance products \u2713Season selection \u2713Defining cover triggers", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Sell of insurance This screen lists all the insurance products available foracre Africa. Select the type of product you want to sell e.g., selectlivestock insurance to be taken to livestock insurance products screen (page28).", "page_url":"" } ]
import requests
import json
def search_from_section(keywords : list, section_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"keywords": json.dumps(keywords), "section_id" : section_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = search_from_section(["Roles of a village champion"], 112)
topic_id (int)
(required): An id of a topic to search from.keywords
(required): A JSON-encoded array of strings to search for.[ { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"\u2022Platform Users ACRE Africa Reinsurer Cedant Brokers Agents BranchesAggregators Insureds ACRE Africa Provides the platform to the Reinsurer ordirectly to the Insurer and sets up pre-approved products. ACRE Africa earnsfees as per agreed payment structure. The Reinsurer deploys the system withselected cedants. ACRE provides technical support to sign up the cedants. Thesystem enables the Reinsurer view all transactions carried out by the cedantsend to end. Cedants provides user rights to their respective channels ofdistribution. ACRE provides technical support and help desk services to theCedants Onboard customers for insurance. The system enables them to provideinstant insurance terms to the insureds as well as other policy administrationservices efficiently. The Insureds receive quality and efficient services suchas timely issuance of policy documents, timely processing of claims andcontract review reports.", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Process flow Product design and approval The ultimate objective of thisfeature is to shorten and create visibility of the process making the productapproval by the Reinsures more efficient. This is done before the seasonstarts. The module is only accessible by the following parties; a. Calculatingagent \u2013 Designs suitable insurance products b. Insurer and \u2013 Reviews theproduct c. Reinsurer \u2013 Approves the product The process entail; Setting up thefollowing parameters onto the platform; a. Type of crop and variety b.Location \u2013 Country and other administrative boundaries c. Pricing dataselection \u2713Weather data \u2013 Weather station data or satellite data \u2713Yield data \u2013Yield based insurance products \u2713Season selection \u2713Defining cover triggers", "page_url":"" }, { "course_id":29, "course_short_name":"VC Training", "course_full_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "course_display_name":"Village Champion Training Course", "section_details":{ "section_id":112, "section_title":"Module 2", "section_summary":"**Learn About the Various Agri-Insurance Products Offered by ACRE Africa.**" }, "topic_details":{ "topic_id":360, "topic_name":"How a Farmer Gets Insurance and Pays", "topic_description":"" }, "page_content":"Sell of insurance This screen lists all the insurance products available foracre Africa. Select the type of product you want to sell e.g., selectlivestock insurance to be taken to livestock insurance products screen (page28).", "page_url":"" } ]
import requests
import json
def search_from_topic(keywords : list, topic_id : int):
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
params = {"keywords": json.dumps(keywords), "topic_id" : topic_id}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.json()
# Example usage
result = search_from_topic(["What is agri insurance"], 360)